Piloti pro rally dhe themeluesi i Hoonigan dhe Gymkhana u nda nga jeta sot ne nje aksident me motor bore. Ky lajm u konfirmua nga autoritetet lokale dhe ekipi Hoonigan.
Block, nje nga figurat me te njohura ne boten e automobilizmit, ishte 55 vjec. Ai pasi kaloi ne boten e rally filloi te zhvillonte Hoonigan dhe brandin DC shoes me ate te cilave krijoi dhe “sportin” dhe serine super te dashur Gymkhana.
Ne faqen e tyre zyrtare “Hoonigan” citojne:
“It’s with our deepest regrets that we can confirm that Ken Block passed away in a snowmobile accident today,” a statement from Hoonigan says. “Ken was a visionary, a pioneer, and an icon. And most importantly, a father and a husband.”
Sherifi i Wasatch County konfirmoi gjithashtu vdekjen e sportistit ne nje deklarate zyrtare:
“Block was riding on a steep slope in the Mill Hollow area outside Woodland, Utah at around 2:00 p.m. when his snowmobile “upended, landing on top of him,” police said. Block was riding with a group but alone at the time of the incident. He was pronounced dead at the scene.”
Kte vit Ken Block prezantoi nje bashkpunim te ri me Audi dhe Porsche, risi kjo qe e lidhi me shum me boten e akullit dhe gjate kohes se lire ai nisi te praktikonte me teper sporte dimri.
Block la pas gruan e tij Lucy dhe 3 femije